Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Wheelers Living in High Places


 I well recall receiving notice that I would soon be discharged from a rehabilitation center after months as an inpatient preparing and relearning copying skills of daily life.  My discharge would translate to my redefining and creating a ew world after having lost mobility and the failing of some cognitive skills following a brain injury.

One of the first priorities of my transition to the community was that of a need of finding a living space in which I could achieve my goal of supported independent living.  After exploring housing options, it was apparent that apartment living would best suite my needs.

I was excited to proceed with moving into a highrise complex on the 19th floor.  In the process of new-tenant paperwork with the and landlord, I was informed that a registry of tenant who ha mobility issues was maintained by the building manager --- a requirement of the fire department.   In the event of a fire or other disaster, elevators are shut down leaving persons with mobility disabilities stranded therefore the registry becomes a tool whereby firefighters have an awareness of where immobile tenants would be quickly found should the building ever need to be evacuated.

I received the landlord's information with indifference and did not give this information anymore thought.

My care-all attitude ended with the arrival of Hurricane Juan - no elevators working, power outage, generator batteries used up, no water and windows blowing in.,  After that experience I took the issue of accessibility to elevators and other disaster-related precautions more seriously.......I saw the need to move.

Moving was a project I did not look forward to and procrastinated.....until I experienced a fire on my balcony.  At 2:00 am. a discarded half-lit cigarette from an above balcony was carried by a high wind and settled on my astro-turf floor-covered balcony......and more specifically, on a pigeon nest.  Flames grew quickly from the dry twigs of the nest.   Once the flames connected with the floor covering, the fire raced at great speed destroying the window frames and burning the inside walls of the apartment.

A passer-by noticed the flames from the street level and contacted the fire department.  Firefighters entered my apartment without my awareness of their presence or of the fire.  A short time latter I  awoke to the commotion of people in my Livingroom.   Upon looking up from my bed in the dark, I saw the shadow of a fireman who quickly scooped me out of my bed and took me to the hallway where I was placed on the floor.  There was no time to retrieve my wheelchair.  In route to the hallway I caught a glimpse of a ball of fire in my Livingroom.  During a few hours wait in the all I was compelled to make a true resolution to move to a residence that was on ground level.

IN CONCLUSION:  With a history of these experiences behind me, I urge wheelers to consider their accessibility to safety when choosing a new home.  Living high on a high upper floor of an apartment building is not good judgement and especially so in these times  of extreme adverse weather conditions........a time when serious environment change occur and greatly impact our lives.

Melanie Elliott-Nightingale: author 2018 - printed 2021

Wednesday, April 15, 2020


The following is a copy of a communication in support of the organization "We Are Young" in their efforts to achieve the status of a non-for-profit organization.  This letter of support was written by myself and addressed to Revenue Canada Agency in support of a charitable organization."


As the partner of Victor Altheim, a participant of the "We Are Young", I wish to share the following story which is one of a truly quality life-changing event.  It is a story which supports the provision of charitable status for the organization "We Are Young" so that others over the age of 70 years may access the scope, goals and far-sighted outcomes by enabling elders to access a life-time coveted venture.

Victor, a 78 year old individual, well versed and passionate in the stud of rock formation has, in decades, walked the shores of the Bay of Fundy (world known for its geological findings) in search for volcanic specimens dating back to 210 million essence he is truly a passionate Rockhounder..

In Victor's earlier years the terrain of the Bay of Fundy shore was never an obstacle even when it dictated the need of repelling down 300 ft. cliffs to access and explore a shoreline governed by extreme tidal shifts.  Unfortunately, the process of aging restricted physical abilities and ares of difficult shore access became a barrier,  In his younger a he did participate in one particular search along the shore for a remote cove which was an experience he would never forget.  His rockhounding activity on that particular shore location (Amethyst Cove) left him with a curious spiritual energy, a sense of calm and being one with nature.  From that day forward he longed to return to that location - a life-time longing and a wish that "We Are Young granted.

The possibility of accessing the cove's shoreline by boat was researched and this became the beginning of a plan to make this wish a reality.  Organizers of "We Are Young" asked Victor who he would like to accompany him his venture.  Victor was quick to respond wit the name of his son, Brian (an accomplished Geologist).  Victor was hesitant to actually ask Brian for his presence thinking it would be disruptive and an infringement on his son's busy schedule.  When reminded that "We Are Young" had judged his wish to be within their sensitive parameters and well-deserving, he called Brian, who without hesitation, accepted the invitation,

Victor and Brian's connections, had been sparse in the past,....a distance that changed in the moment of Victor's invitation.  Prior to "We Are Young"'s commitment to enabling Victor t live his dram he and Brian were there fo reach other in times of need however this venture was one of sharing of a common interest in Geological exploration with a passion at the level of heart and soul.....a bonding experience for father and son which was evident throughout the entire venture.  Now, month's later, not a day goes by when Victor's relationship and shared memories with his son are cherished.  The venture has also given him a sustaining sense of family and his self-confidence and social comforts have been enhanced,

In his venture he has gain great respect from peers who speak of is inspiring qualities.  Victor's personal growth is evident and he has a stronger sense of purpose.  Chronic stressors are now faced with much less intensity and indeed his enhanced sense of humor is a delight.  Victor is now more more health conscious of physical and mental wellness.  Exceptional outcomes of the venture are and always will be far-re reaching and of a life-long comfort.

In conclusion, I respectfully ask that the Revenue Canad Agency grant a charitable status to "We Are Young" in their mission to reach out to those who are able to LIVE THE DREAM and move forward in their elder years with the comfort of a deserving memory and a story that will be forever told by those in the up-coming generations of family members. 

signed:  Melanie Elliott, Partner of Victor Altheim

Thursday, March 21, 2019

A Brown Owl's touching letter decades after activity in Brownie Land

Photo of myself, as a Land Ranger with Mother, then a Girl Guide Captain (3rd Bridgewater Company) and twin, Melodie Elliott, Land Ranger.  This image dates back to the late 60's.  As Brownies, we enjoyed the activities of the Guiding organization and followed it through the Pathfinders stage and on to the Land Ranger Company.

 Melodie and my (Melanie) basic values and principles were greatly influenced by the Guiding Movement.  The beginning of our Girl Guide organization began as Brownies under the leadership of Mrs. Ruby Wilson who we then knew as "Brown Owl".  

In 1998, Melodie and I participated in a one-hour CBC production of "Man Alive" ... a show that was focused on our struggles in life and how we manage to surmount difficult barriers.

After the documentary was presented across Canada, the following letter was received from our "Brown Owl" (Brownie Leader).... who wrote on 26 March 1998 .....

"Many years ago I remember two young girls in Brownie Land.  I always had a problem remembering who was who.  "Is it Melanie or Melodie"?  "They were working hard on their Brownie Promise.  Finally one day standing in front of the "Old: owl on the Toadstool"  and in strong confidence,  they repeated for (me) the Brown Owl, the promise that was to stay with them the rest of their lives.

Remember "I PROMISE TO DO MY BEST."  You have done your best you proved that in your TV show.  Darning that patch on a sock was just the beginning - One thread over, one thread under making it firm and smooth.  "True to Life"!.  One day over, one day under.  Sewing on that button (oh yes, I remember so well !!) working so hard to make it secure so it would stand all the pulls and tugs it would receive.  Oh My!....the tangled thread along the way.  Again not only sewed that button on well but have built your life through the tangles to survive the tugs and pulls of life.

TO DO MY DUTY TO GOD:  "Why me?  We do not know but as a child you made this promise not knowing what hour duty would be.  My Grandmother used to tell me ""If your cross gets heavy and you cannot carry it - drag it - but keep on going"".  Why me you ask?  I do not know but when I lost my old family home by fire in 1977 everything was gone.  Three generations of treasures so I thought --- but no we had our lives and it made a better person of me.  I learned to appreciate each day much more - plus life itself.  

TO HELP OTHER PEOPLE....."you chose a career in nursing where you have helped many people and just as we all have loved you, I know you have loved others"

It was a long time ago that I watched and loved dearly those two little Brownies learning their Brownie Promise and saying to them is it "Melanie or Melodie".

Now I see two beautiful women sharing their lives with others.

You definitively have passed your Brownie Promise".

God Bless, and
Love you Always

Brown Owl
Ruby Wilson

The above letter has come to be a treasurer and my greatest memories of childhood and on to years as a youth remain with me for life.  I was blessed to have Brown Owl as a model in life.

Monday, May 28, 2018

Slideshow - Nightingale 2012 (an assortment of pictures of Family and Friends)

If unable to open, the slideshow can be seen on my Facebook page .....enjoy

Friday, November 3, 2017

Remembrance Day 2017 and tribute to Family Warriors

A self-painted image in honor of Remembrance Day 2017 - Melanie Elliott-Nightingale



Photo:  Evelyn (nee Nightingale) and husband Forrester Hector Faulkenham.
     This wedding picture and taken at the home of Evelyn Nightingale in Manchester, England just days after Armistice was signed in 1918.  This couple met while serving on the Western Front in France.  Forrester was a soldier and a medic and originally from the Annapolis Valley.  Evelyn was a reservist/telegraphist.  Her work dictated long hours working in clay caves.  When on leave they would take short walks and sit under a tree to read to one another and to gather pine cones for a stove in their quarters.  Evelyn kept a diary of her days in France - a small booklet - 2 in. x 2 in. which she hid in the hem of her skirt.....fortunately this diary has been preserved and is the property of a family member.

Mother and marriage to a RCAF Pilot - 1942

      This photo is that of the author's Mother - Frances Evelyn Bent (nee Faulkenham) on the day of her marriage to Elroy Fenwick Bent, Pilot Officer, RCAF.  Within hours of their marriage, Elroy was informed there was a troop ship in Halifax where he was to report to in the process of his sailing to England to serve as a Pilot.
     Shortly after Elroy's departure, Frances joined the RCAF and was sent to Rockcliffe, Ottawa for basic training.  During that period she received a message to the effect that her husband, Elroy had been killed in action over the skies of Khartoum, Sudan.
     Frances continued to work hard while at training came with the hope that she would be posted overseas.  She was selected to occupy an overseas position and when she reached Liverpool, England she was informed she would be working for the Department of Intelligence and her skills were recognized within the system of the Churchill War-Rooms.

Mother's marriage to Norman Arthur Elliott - 1945

Photo:  A wedding picture  of Frances Evelyn Elliott and Norman Arthur Elliott
     When the war had ended, Frances was posted to the south coast of England to help in the management and organization of sending troops back home to Canada.  It was there that she met Norman Arthur Elliott of  Britannia Beach, British Columbia and after a whirlwind courtship they married before boarding a ship to sail home.


Tuesday, October 3, 2017

In Recognition of the White Ribbon Campaign

Phil Schreiner
""Strong men do not need to put down women "Michelle Obama""

Are men in their mature and elder years able to surrender their earlier years of oppressive behaviours, abusive ways, domestic violence tendencies, and tyrannous practices?

What are the chances they will have moved forward by raising their personal bar, recognizing and attending to their truths, and have established ethical standards that would be in keeping with the values and mandate of the White Ribbon Campaign? 

Question:  What is the White Ribbon Campaign?
 Answer: Men and boys are encouraged to wear white ribbons as a symbol of their opposition to violence against women.

Question: What is the official timeline for this recognition?
Answer: They are particularly encouraged to wear these during White Ribbon on Week which starts the 25th of November which is the United Nations Day for the Elimination of Violence Against.
 Women. ...... Wikipedia.
I urge those who feel strongly towards the aims of the White Ribbon Campaign to offer a white ribbon to deserving men and especially to those who have stepped up to the plate to mend their ways of their past.