That unforgettable moment remains as a life-changing, celebrated moment.
This event of a high level remembrance came about in the entrance way of my Godfather's medical clinic.
We were on our way home and continually turned heads as we were dressed in one of Mother's fashion designs -- one of a light blue short jersey top , a pleated white skirt and with new and fresh ribbons in our French braided hair. Little white boots were framed with little hand knitted socks -- it was a near perfect picture.
As we approached the clinic door Mother opened it only to find her best friend coming into the clinic. The usual dialogue asking which which twin is which and Mother was quick to introduce her daughter's as she acknowledged each child. At that moment I heard Mother's response and for whatever reason or energy present, I had silently answered, "Melanie". This was supported by our Mother.
I could hardly wait for Mother's friend to move on so I could share my knowledge of which one of was Melanie and Melodie. Her news was well received by Melodie and they continued on hand in hand."new found". Melodie was very happy to be the receiver of this information.
It was very obvious that Mom's appreciation for this event was touched by the presence of this gift and was moved by the fact that her daughter's had just experienced a growth experience. We were excited by our new development and wanted to share this with our Godfather who expressed a wish to celebrate the personal growth we had achieved and the significance recognized.
For us, the bottomline was interpreted as having grown up and had a right to announce our own names
.During our walk home, Melodie and I remained elated and oh so proud.
"Tired and warm we were glad to see the pathway to the family home. As the front porch was seen with clarity, Mother paused to get a view of a very large, magnificent bouquet in a lovely vase....we had never seen anything like that which was before us at the threshold of the front door.Mum was obviously touched by the presence of this gift and read the card that accompanied it.
Having done so she said that this incredible gift had been sent to us by our loving Godfather. It was his way of expressing a wish to celebrate the personal growth we had achieved and which had made him very happy and proud. For us, the bottom line was a message that we are growing up to be, as he addressed it -- to his beautiful, young ladies who he and so many others love us.deeply.
When Grandparents visit that evening they too arrived with a lovely gift and flowers as well --- all in recognition of their "twins" growing up to be their angels of splendid joy. The flowers from Grandmother's garden on that day of celebration was my first awareness that I, as a child, had the power to participate as an individual in the world of others as an individual.....I was Melanie.
With all the gifts, a cake, great finger foods left us somewhat confused as we tried to differentiate this celebratory event from a birthday party. As we matured we came to fully understand the significance of that day.
We went to bed that night with a sense of individuality. Later in life we would reflect upon that day and fully understand the significance of the event.
When not in school we were two very busy little girls. Making friends, birthdays, figure skating, dance, choir, Brownies, artwork needlework, swimming and much more provided us with a collection of skills that we would use throughout our lives.
One problematic issue encompassed the zones of our first names. Our parents were very consistent in their coaching us to respond only to the name each was assigned at birth.
It was not uncommon to be addressed by the name of "Mel". Friends who were not sure who was who quickly caught on to the fact that the name "Mel" would relieve them of any chance of addressing the wrong one. The word "twin" was used and as the name "Mel", there was safety in this generic form. While in kindergarten, a teacher assigned us the names of Flower and Blossom------that practice was short lived after Mother got word of it.
When graduating from the 4th grade, parents foresaw a need to take a more aggressive approach and the need was kindled by two events: The first unacceptable incident occurred during a graduation exercise. Each child was required to walk across the stage and receive a report card when their name was called out by the school principal. Melodie's name was first called followed by myself however my name was presented as 'Harmony". The principal had a memory-loss moment and knew the second name had some commonality to the one he first read and took the risk of offering the name of "Harmony". Having recognized his error he graciously took my hand and walked to the end of the stage. At the bottom of a few stairs I had to face the teasing by by peers.
While in middle school Mum and Dad realized that enough was enough as a teacher had assigned the wrong marks to each twin. Education was a true passion for me - even at an early stage - my report cards would historically represent my higher appreciation for learning -- a characteristic I was proud of. Recognizing that my report card was of a lesser overview, I was most disappointed and therefore pleased that our parents would advocate for us.
Now decades later, the subject of name mix ups continue to crop up......often it is an individual who knew us from childhood years and put aside their awkwardness to re-introduce themselves and ask to be remembered. It is always a joy to share the occasion of such reunions.
Before I conclude my note, I wish to share with you a beautiful letter received from a Brown Owl (Brownie leader), Ruby Wilson. After she had viewed a documentary pertaining to twinship, she took pen to paper and wrote:
26 March 1998:
Dear Melanie:
I am so proud of you! Many years ago, I remember two young girls in Brownieland. I always had a problem remembering who was sho. Is it Melanie or Melodie? They were working hard on their Brownie Promise. Finally, one day standing in front of the "Old Owl on the Toodstool" in strong confidence, they repeated for (me) Brown Owl the promise that was to stay with them the rest of their lives.
Remember "I PROMISE TO DO MY BEST". You have done your best - you proved that in your TV show. Darning that patch or sock was just the beginning. One thread over, one thread under making it firm and smooth. "True to life" - One day over, one day under. Sewing on that button (oh yes I remember so well) working so hard to make it secure so it would stand all the pulls and tugs it would receive. Oh My! the tangled thread along the way. Again life.....you not only sewed that button on well but have built your life through the tangles to survive the tugs and pulls of life.
"TO DO MY DUTY TO GOD" Why me? We do not know but as a child you made this promise not knowing what your duty would be. My grandmother used to tell me "If your cross gets heavy and you cannot carry it - drag it - but keep on going". "Why me? I do not know but when I lost my family home by fire in 1977 everything was gone. Three generations of treasurers, so I thought - but no we had our lives and it made a better person of me. I learned to appreciate each day much more - plus life itself.
"HELP OTHER PEOPLE"... you choose a career in nursing where you have helped many people and just as we all have loved you. I know you have loved others.
It was a long time ago that I watched and loved dearly those two little Brownies learning their Brownie Promise and saying to them is it "Melanie or Melodie".
Now I see two beautiful women sharing their lives with others -
You definitely have passed your Brownie Promise
God Bless ....
Love you Always
Brown Owl....Ruby Wilson
"When He "our higher being" had made the earth and sky,
The flowers and the trees,
He then made all the animals,
the fish, brids and bees..
And when at last this power was finsihed,
Not one was quite the same.
He said "I'll wark this world of mine, and give each one a name."
writer - unknown
(please excuse spelling errors - author is visually impaired)