Role Alternatives of Health Information Managers
(please excuse spelling and grammar errors - author is visually impaired)
True leaders are those who desire to grow and move forward. In addition, we have learned that the only way to grow and move forward. In addition, we embrace the idea.

Health Information Managers can work in a Partnership with a commonality of a factual nature:
- Partnering with an Actuarist. The presentation of essential information from a Health Information Manager is a required tool for estimating life experiences, longevity and predictions,
- an Epidemiologist Partnership: example: When a team steps forward to identify the causative factors of a group-experienced illness. Such is not uncommon when groups experience gastrointestinal symptoms and much more In my personal experience, a disease indices became the source and key to a contaminant well established in a local water supply at a day-care facility.
- Veteran Affairs Canada have been known to seek the assistance of an HIM in keeping with their commitment to supported independent living. Gathering valued information by a team of HIM's become key players to putting such a program in place.
A Health Information Manager, working as a private consultant, has many hats and are worthy of inclusion of a fee schedule for services. Service examples follow:
- an HIM in the role of a team player in a private medical clinic....a situation that would fit within the boundaries of the clinic's mandate. Clinic policies and procedures would require frequent review, auditing and recommendations for appropriate change,
- a proposal writer to support the necessity of new and/or sophisticated equipment,
- a part time organizer and manager of wellness-retreat weekends - incl. yoga, dance, music therapy, art therapy, massage are a sampling of services and experiences included in a well-established agenda. A HIM would have the insight to the boundaries of stresses and anxieties in the health care workplace.
- the proprietorship of a medical transcription service. Health care facilities welcome the opportunity to referring this task to private service providers. This has been found to be cost efficient (caution to owners - putting confidentiality on the top of their needs, policies and mandate) is a must. This topic would require an appropriate contract,
- the creation of a life plan is well within the boundaries of an HIM. Should a Client wish to maintain a supported independent living....a lifestyle that is efficiently, achievable and valued can come together with the professional guidance and navigation efforts of an HIM,
- the services of providing assistance to an individual/Client who wishes to create an Advanced Health Care Directive in combination with a Living Will is increasing in demand,
- providing the skills in data retrieval is in demand and its continuance will increase as the baby-boomer population ages in their Senior years,
- providing the numbers that are required to forecast our health needs for the future is a study well within the capabilities of an HIM,
- motivational speaking on a great number of topics calls attention to the insight of an HIM - topics ranging from the electronic medical record to Educational requirements often demands the input of a Health Information Manager
- supporting an individual who wishes to be an altruistic kidney donor. A thorough health and medical report is essential and the ability of a HIM to locate data through scanning previous health charts and utilizing disease indices is required,
- providing assistance to those who are establishing a "flag" system of populations of patients ie. deaf, those with an abnormal bleeding condition, a history of seizure activity etc. presents a challenge to an HIM consultant,
- participating on a team of medical professionals who are working together, in a 3rd world country situation. Their purpose is often to gather information with respect to a particular disease and developing realistic healing techniques,
- participation as a medical / health record system administration in a Federal and or Provincial correction institution is often a need,
- managing reports and statistics of sport injuries, in a regional sense, as well as providing individual medical status of athletes is an employment opportunity.
In closing - I encourage devoted Health Information Managers to go beyond the doors of an acute care facility.
..... Nightingale
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