In keeping with a visual barrier, I have been researching and searching lighting options that would provide maximum light source....this has not been an easy hunt as several elements must to be present in order to accommodate visual perceptions.
Today, I finally bit the bullet and ordered two lamps that have been on my wish list
for sometime. After hours of searches, I came to locate the lighting fixtures that had the requirements required and ordered them online from LampsPlus at a USA location.
Upon completing the order form, the process took me to the "checkout" and when browsing the payment methods it was very obvious PayPal was not present in LampPlus.com's listing of acceptable payment methods/options. The absence of PayPal should have been my first clue that LampsPlus.com had an issue with PayPal and that there was a history of unacceptable issues.
In an e-mail inquiry re PayPal's participation, I questioned the absence of PayPal and was informed that LampPlus.com "do not accept PayPal as a method of payment as it is linked to many elements of online fraud".
Out of necessity and with great reluctance, I bit the bullet and provided information from my VISA card for payment of the lamps....VISA was an acceptable payment source by LampsPlus.com
Shortly after submitting my order to LampsPlus I received an order confirmation number. This was followed by an e-mail appearing in my in box from LampsPlus.com asking that, for security reasons, I forward my billing address. This billing address was described as " the physical address your credit card statement is sent to". Despite my not being able to fully understand the last statement, I became fully suspect that this billing address submission requirement was a practice that smelt somewhat fishy.
I now await further communication from LampsPlus.com informing me that the lamps purchased would be shipped. This event will provide me the opportunity to cancel the order despite their ordering, and shipping policies. I will be asking VISA not to participate in this transaction with LampsPlus once I receive a statement from VISA. I spoke with the administration of VISA who inform me that LampsPlus were authorized $51.91 and advised me that my total expense would come to $51.88....one is tempted to ask what other oversights occur.
I do have confidence that LampsPlus.com that at some crossroad they will inform me what their behaviours and accusations are all about.
For shame, LightPlus.com
Viewers: keep posted as Iwill be adding progress notes to this blog.
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