JUNE 2012
Melodie in Peace
On a very warm, humid day painters
were in my residence repainting the living and dinning areas. I sat alone in the kitchen and was distracted from a mindless moment when noticing unexpected movement of shadows on a cupboard door. { I have a fascination of shadows and of light changes as we move through our day and often inspired by them in an artistic manner.}
On the cupboard door a shadow within a lighted area was moving without a source of projection. I watched it carefully to realize it was Melodie sitting in a hammock in a tropical setting. For whatever reason I was immediately calmed and had a sense that this event was an extension of our communications that we have been experiencing.
A tear ran down my face as it was my first visual sign that she was safe and content in her new journey. In a sense - seeing validated my believing. The setting also did not come as a surprise and I had a sense that I had been there.
She was the first to communicate - oh so calm, so, so wise, radiant, with comfort, healing, and still with the humor and cheer that is so much a part of our Melodie.
She had her hair drawn back in a bun with a crocheted accessory over it....it was a hair style she occasionally wore in her early 20's. She appeared to be about 25 years young and moved with a soft energy. She wore a light blue sweater and summer white pants. She looked oh so petite, fresh, with joy and feminine.
We exchanged thoughts in our voiceless mindful way and had a conversation on matters of her calmness and the well-being of loved ones.
After about an hour's conversation we expressed our love and wish to be able to be present again in the near future. In closing she explained that when I call her to me at a time of social confusion or with anxiety or depression that her visits would be difficult for her to achieve. I somehow knew that these terms were of understandable standards and inclusions of our communications even before discussing it.
JULY, 2012
A Conversation with Dr. Joe - a Mentor
With caution and discretion, I spoke with Dr. Joe and asked if he could guide me in my participation with spiritual communication with Melodie. He suggested that I select a location in my home in which provides positive energy and have a visual reference of Melodie from that location. As time passes he suggested I would likely be making a corner in my home a shrine reflective of our spiritual bond and communications.
(interestingly enough, when I was told this, I realized my writings were just that in an alternative form of a shrine). At the moment, the comfort and quiet of my bed is a valued location from which I meditate and have chosen this as my meeting location with Melodie. At the end of my bed is a large enlarged lovely photo of Melodie. It would seem that I have instinctively created a "meeting place" as Dr. Joe was describing.
He suggested I not try and communicate with Melodie when I am in a state of distress -- ironically, that Melodie and I had shared this topic in my previous visit. He tells me that Melodie is very busy aiding others and that I must be sensitive that she too, becomes tired and losses energy to connect. I told me never to become dishearten if Melodie did not come to me over a period of time.
Dr. Joe's suggestions and experiences gave me insight as to why I have not connected with Melodie over the past weeks. I have been in a great state of stress with respect to health issues, pensions, budgets and income. These topics are becoming less intense so I can foresee our returning to more communication.
3 OCTOBER 2012
A Rescue from Melodie - Art Therapy in Action
After presenting my dilemma pertaining to stresses and the limitations it presents in my connections with Melodie, Dr. Joe assured me that Melodie was aware of the stresses I am dealing with and that she has recently sent me an individual to me who is doing a graduate paper on all aspects of art therapy and anxiety reduction behaviour.
Dr. Joe's information was met with an "AH" so "that is where she (the student) came from". This has been some of Melodie's work of intervention and in a form that she supported and was passionate about when she was with us. OH how could I have been so short-sighted not to have recognized the source of the assistance I received through a graduate's study on art therapy and anxiety was well-timed and therapeutic.

I enjoyed the art therapy exercise and later that day returned to it and explored the strategies of the exercuse a little further. I was obviously opening the window to my subconscious and in the process
I felt a strong need to forgive my Brother for a misdeed that was personally a hardship and I believe it extended to dishonoring our Parents.
Without hesitation, I typed up a note stating my pride in the fact that he has had the courage to re-start his life and despite disabilities continues to move forward. I gave recognition that he is showing good judgement and carrying out an exercise that our Parents could not achieve. They had spent years of indecision with respect to re-locating to a home that better addressed their physical abilities however did not follow their wish to settle in a home that would better meet their needs.
I had no expectations of receiving a response however was elated to see his name appear on my computer monitor with the words "thanks, Mel...I sure needed some hugs". I was speechless and absolutely astonished at the load this lifted from my shoulders.
In the following day of the art therapy exercise, I had a strong sense of offering my Niece's son, little 8 year old Owen, the opportunity to be guided by an art therapist who has an interest in autism from which Owen struggles. This idea was also an outcome of the art therapy exercise that Melodie initiated through the art therapy student I previously spoke of.
The latter has given me a renewed sense of family. Now, with my stress levels being reduced, Melodie and I can return to our connections.
5 October 2012
Melodie - a - Mother
At 3:00 pm. I was extremely tired and took refuge in my bed. After some meditation I felt much more relaxed and mindful of the day in passing.
It was a cloudy day and out of the blue, I noticed a small bar of prism-related colors on my ceiling and knew Melodie's spirit and energy were present.
Shortly after my recognizing her presence the prism disappeared and she re-appeared in a shadow form on the wall at the foot of my bed (near her lovely hanging picture).
I sensed she was feeling as relaxed as I, as she allowed her hammock (her meeting place) to swing with the gentle breeze.
The visual picture then enlarged and she had a little child cuddling up to her. He, dressed in blue, was waking up from a nap. Melodie stood up to pick him up and stroked his back as he became more aware and active. When first, in her arms, he snuggled up under her chin and the bond, love and energy I witnessed was nothing like I had every felt in my life.

Melodie looked toward me and introduced her child, David. (I expected he was about 8 months old). He squirmed to indicate he wanted to sit in the sand and play....Melodie sat him down beside her feet as he enjoyed playing in the warmth and textures under him. As we were nearing our conversation, she sat down beside him and took his little hand and patted down the little holes and hills he had made. She explained to him that Mother Nature would want the sand to be as it was and unharmed so that he could play there again.
Melodie is certainly a picture of a Mother with an intense love, energy, bond and joy. It was touching to see her as an appreciator of what I can relate to as "nature".
I cannot imagine our communications offering an any better message than what I witnessed today.
25 October 2012
Moments with Melodie continued...
"Connecting with Coleen"
Oh I wish my world would stop spinning. I have been much too busy with doctor appointments and preparing a fifty-three page proposal for what I would consider as "memory aids" which the Services for Persons with Disabilities are willing to assist me with.
This has been a time of frenzy and pressure to obtain three required quotes of twelve memory aids that I have identified. While in this frame of turmoil Melodie and I have not connected. I am well aware that when I am in a state of anxiety and/or turmoil my connection with Melodie is not available.....from speaking with other individuals who have this gift of connection with persons who have passed on I have come to understand that communications become inaccessible.
While in this state I have greatly missed Melodie. However, and to my delight, I have recognized that Melodie has connected with Coleen (friend) who, unknowingly, has carried through with the provision of a lovely surprise and one in which I know Melodie has had a "hand in". Obviously, Melodie is missing me as I am of her.
Melodie is aware of the therapeutic gains that writing provides me and out of the blue I received a lovely "notebook" from Coleen. Melodie has come to my rescue once again....her provision of a notebook is received as a message that I should consider and engage more frequently in the practice of writing and consider it as a means to address the stress issues I am experiencing.
When receiving the notebook, I was quick to call Coleen and explained what and how this has come about.
I am without doubt that Melodie, did connect with Coleen's subconscious thus giving her a wish to provide me with a new book.
Bless you Melodie for connecting with Coleen as she truly understands the dynamics of this.
8 October 2012 - Thanksgiving Day

This photo is a facsimile of Melodie and Geoff's exceptional companion, O'Hara. When visiting my twin on a weekend, O'Hara and I would be up with the birds and head for the farming area of the Fraser Valley. It was an incredible de-stressor for me and O'Hara quite enjoyed his ears blowing in the wind with his head peeping out of the "roof window" of the car. That particular countryside was British Columbia's jewel and each season provided new and energizing aspects of the valley floor and mountain sides......my favourite scenic view was that of Mt. Cheam which I have added below this paragraph. From the room in which I stayed while at Melodie and Geoff's home had a bird's eye view of this magnificant landmark.

Mount Cheam, Upper Fraser Valley, British Columbia -- this is a landscape seen from my room when spending time with Melodie and Geoff.