This photo is that of an endearing journal (cover) of which my loving Friend and Mentor has provided in an act of encouragement for me to continue my writings.
The background of my first story begins with my picking up this journal from the table and for the first time I really became aware of the softness of the white woolly, fluffy embellishment on the cover. Superimposed on the white fluffy wool was the photo of the face of a sweet little terrier.
When I became aware of the overall design, I was reminded of my late identical twin Melodie who found some fun with the word "fluff".
I am sure this exercise has been one in which she (Melodie) has guided my generous and dear mentor in her giving me this journal to fill and do so with a light heart.
I fully expect that Melodie knew that I would, at some point, connect with the comforts she (Melodie) gathered over the years with the use of this word "fluff" and the unusual comforts that were acknowledged. Her comforts were bi fold - in her very young years she had a piece of lamb's wool that she carried with her at all times and even into her early adult years. I can recall seeing it in her snow boots, under her pillow, in her undershirt, under a hat, in a pair of mittens -- no bounds. I am not sure what the significance was however the practice of needing her "fluffy" began as a younger child would identify with a blanket. I recall she and I discussing where she would put it under her wedding dress!!! She apparently had it with her on the night of her accident (spinal cord injury - MVA) We will never know her thoughts on the topic of her "fluff" as she has passed on and her perception of the "fluff" will remain unknown. I should point out that the original piece of "fluff" was replaced on a few occasions -- Mother would come to the rescue and manage to find a suitable substitute.
Moving On: In the second portion of this blog and on the subject of "fluff", Melodie came to realize that whenever the word "fart" was used, the individual saying it entertained the immediate audience. Upon Melodie recognizing that "fart" would not be tolerated, she could slide under the radar with the word "fluff". This substitution added yet another scope to "fluff" ----one of entertainment among her siblings and friends.
Melodie was one of those individuals who, through a simple gesture or word, could cause a person to laugh so hard they would shake. I happened to be one of her test cases --- at about the age of 10 years, I recall walking home from a Sunday School play rehearsal, through a vacant lot, only to find myself sitting in a snow bank peeing my pants. On that occasion Melodie introduced her new meaning to the word "fluff" and did so in a short rhyme. Fortunately we were taking a shortcut home so I was spared public humiliation. The more I laughed the more she entertained and I was never so glad to reach the door of our home...a momentary sanctuary as I had some explaining to do as my pants remained wet..
From that moment on, through to her life-passing, I was never safe from her witty ways. I am sure her energy was seeking a moment of good cheer and through her means and connection with my mentor managed to entice me to write on this subject.....thus the subtle reminder by my sensing the fluffy portion of the cover of the new journal given to me by my dear friend who I fully expect has subconsciously connected with prior to this specific event..
Melodie would unexpectedly turn this to comedy / entertainment and often
at the most delicate situations such as being present at
an adult church tea. We sat at a table of four and I
found myself holding my breath on occasion as the
remaining two seats would be that of "community".
Our Mother and Grandmother would be dressed up
and serving those at the tables. We were often
carefully watched by those in attendance as Mother
put a great deal of effort designing and sewing our lovely
dresses for the occasion...similar public events were
often a showcase of Mother's talents.
This method of changing the moment always came as a tremendous surprise and with the need to control my laughter. To this day, when I see and/or touch something fluffy such as on the cover of the journal I mention is met with a giggle.
Thank you for your cheer, Melodie, and I am delighted you have found a Friend through my Mentor.
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