Saturday, January 11, 2014

My Book: so, so worth the wait !!

"Tommorow  and for years to come, as Heroes and Haloes:  These are Their Stories" reaches your audience, it will fill minds and nourish imaginations.  In writing, one's labour becomes fruit for generations" author unknown

5 January 2014:  The New Year has begun with a bang....I viewed the first portion of the last editing and formatting efforts of my book "Heroes and Haloes" and it is well beyond my expectations.  To my incredible surprise, there is actually a sense of romance entwined within the text,  The formatter of the project has had to leave the province on business for a two-month period and the quality of his work is well worth the wait for his return and dedication to the project.  Meanwhile the editor will await her partner's return so they can once again share outstanding talents in publishing.