Thursday, March 21, 2019

A Brown Owl's touching letter decades after activity in Brownie Land

Photo of myself, as a Land Ranger with Mother, then a Girl Guide Captain (3rd Bridgewater Company) and twin, Melodie Elliott, Land Ranger.  This image dates back to the late 60's.  As Brownies, we enjoyed the activities of the Guiding organization and followed it through the Pathfinders stage and on to the Land Ranger Company.

 Melodie and my (Melanie) basic values and principles were greatly influenced by the Guiding Movement.  The beginning of our Girl Guide organization began as Brownies under the leadership of Mrs. Ruby Wilson who we then knew as "Brown Owl".  

In 1998, Melodie and I participated in a one-hour CBC production of "Man Alive" ... a show that was focused on our struggles in life and how we manage to surmount difficult barriers.

After the documentary was presented across Canada, the following letter was received from our "Brown Owl" (Brownie Leader).... who wrote on 26 March 1998 .....

"Many years ago I remember two young girls in Brownie Land.  I always had a problem remembering who was who.  "Is it Melanie or Melodie"?  "They were working hard on their Brownie Promise.  Finally one day standing in front of the "Old: owl on the Toadstool"  and in strong confidence,  they repeated for (me) the Brown Owl, the promise that was to stay with them the rest of their lives.

Remember "I PROMISE TO DO MY BEST."  You have done your best you proved that in your TV show.  Darning that patch on a sock was just the beginning - One thread over, one thread under making it firm and smooth.  "True to Life"!.  One day over, one day under.  Sewing on that button (oh yes, I remember so well !!) working so hard to make it secure so it would stand all the pulls and tugs it would receive.  Oh My!....the tangled thread along the way.  Again not only sewed that button on well but have built your life through the tangles to survive the tugs and pulls of life.

TO DO MY DUTY TO GOD:  "Why me?  We do not know but as a child you made this promise not knowing what hour duty would be.  My Grandmother used to tell me ""If your cross gets heavy and you cannot carry it - drag it - but keep on going"".  Why me you ask?  I do not know but when I lost my old family home by fire in 1977 everything was gone.  Three generations of treasures so I thought --- but no we had our lives and it made a better person of me.  I learned to appreciate each day much more - plus life itself.  

TO HELP OTHER PEOPLE....."you chose a career in nursing where you have helped many people and just as we all have loved you, I know you have loved others"

It was a long time ago that I watched and loved dearly those two little Brownies learning their Brownie Promise and saying to them is it "Melanie or Melodie".

Now I see two beautiful women sharing their lives with others.

You definitively have passed your Brownie Promise".

God Bless, and
Love you Always

Brown Owl
Ruby Wilson

The above letter has come to be a treasurer and my greatest memories of childhood and on to years as a youth remain with me for life.  I was blessed to have Brown Owl as a model in life.