Friday, November 3, 2017

Remembrance Day 2017 and tribute to Family Warriors

A self-painted image in honor of Remembrance Day 2017 - Melanie Elliott-Nightingale



Photo:  Evelyn (nee Nightingale) and husband Forrester Hector Faulkenham.
     This wedding picture and taken at the home of Evelyn Nightingale in Manchester, England just days after Armistice was signed in 1918.  This couple met while serving on the Western Front in France.  Forrester was a soldier and a medic and originally from the Annapolis Valley.  Evelyn was a reservist/telegraphist.  Her work dictated long hours working in clay caves.  When on leave they would take short walks and sit under a tree to read to one another and to gather pine cones for a stove in their quarters.  Evelyn kept a diary of her days in France - a small booklet - 2 in. x 2 in. which she hid in the hem of her skirt.....fortunately this diary has been preserved and is the property of a family member.

Mother and marriage to a RCAF Pilot - 1942

      This photo is that of the author's Mother - Frances Evelyn Bent (nee Faulkenham) on the day of her marriage to Elroy Fenwick Bent, Pilot Officer, RCAF.  Within hours of their marriage, Elroy was informed there was a troop ship in Halifax where he was to report to in the process of his sailing to England to serve as a Pilot.
     Shortly after Elroy's departure, Frances joined the RCAF and was sent to Rockcliffe, Ottawa for basic training.  During that period she received a message to the effect that her husband, Elroy had been killed in action over the skies of Khartoum, Sudan.
     Frances continued to work hard while at training came with the hope that she would be posted overseas.  She was selected to occupy an overseas position and when she reached Liverpool, England she was informed she would be working for the Department of Intelligence and her skills were recognized within the system of the Churchill War-Rooms.

Mother's marriage to Norman Arthur Elliott - 1945

Photo:  A wedding picture  of Frances Evelyn Elliott and Norman Arthur Elliott
     When the war had ended, Frances was posted to the south coast of England to help in the management and organization of sending troops back home to Canada.  It was there that she met Norman Arthur Elliott of  Britannia Beach, British Columbia and after a whirlwind courtship they married before boarding a ship to sail home.


Tuesday, October 3, 2017

In Recognition of the White Ribbon Campaign

Phil Schreiner
""Strong men do not need to put down women "Michelle Obama""

Are men in their mature and elder years able to surrender their earlier years of oppressive behaviours, abusive ways, domestic violence tendencies, and tyrannous practices?

What are the chances they will have moved forward by raising their personal bar, recognizing and attending to their truths, and have established ethical standards that would be in keeping with the values and mandate of the White Ribbon Campaign? 

Question:  What is the White Ribbon Campaign?
 Answer: Men and boys are encouraged to wear white ribbons as a symbol of their opposition to violence against women.

Question: What is the official timeline for this recognition?
Answer: They are particularly encouraged to wear these during White Ribbon on Week which starts the 25th of November which is the United Nations Day for the Elimination of Violence Against.
 Women. ...... Wikipedia.
I urge those who feel strongly towards the aims of the White Ribbon Campaign to offer a white ribbon to deserving men and especially to those who have stepped up to the plate to mend their ways of their past.

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

ABOUT Author Nightingale (Melanie Patricia Elliott)

I comfortably describe myself as an individual with a Type "A" personality.

I am ambitious, proactive and an organized person -- always in competition with myself and others.

A hostile side is triggered by minor events.  I am extremely impatient and a control freak that likes things done a certain way.

 Although I can be short-fused and obsessive, my achievement-driven mentality helps me accomplish goals and fulfill dreams.

Each year I re-energize my self-confidence, adventurous spirit and social connections by moving outside my box and engage in a new activity ... a venture of sorts.  Last year was an exceptional year as I undertook rappelling down the outside of a 26 story highrise - wheelchair and all.  In the coming months I will participate in the sport of sailing - an activity that has been a "want to do" sport for many might say it is on my bucket list.

I put just as much effort into my familial relationships as I do into my workload, which makes me loyal and dependable.

My mind uses logic and strategic thinking to solve problems and make decisions ---- I see the world in black and white and have a strong sense of morality.

Now at 69 years of age I look back to realize I have grown in self-awareness and have discovered new abilities and potential in this year passing.  In the year ahead I will have the ability to trust myself completely and not be worried about self doubt.  With this new practice I will truly discover self-love and receive nothing but love and admiration in return.


Wednesday, May 31, 2017

A View on "Willpower"

Melanie Elliott
     If you want to make a permanent change in life, willpower won't get you there.
     Whether you want to get healthier, improve your relationships, be happier, write a book ..... will power won't help you with any of these things.
     Personal progress and achieving success are best approached like you are overcoming addiction because quite literally, that is what you are doing.  As human beings we all have addictions.
     I openly admit being addicted to my current belief system, my comfort zone and my excuses.  I am also addicted to behaviours that contradict my goals.
     We are all addicted and the cognitive dissonance is numbing.
     If you are serious about the changes you want to make, willpower will not be enough.  Quite the opposite.  Willpower is what is holding you back.


     If you are required to exert willpower to do something, there is an obvious internal conflict.  You want to eat the cookie, but also want to be healthy.  Environment versus goal.

     The tension is mounting .....
     What are you going to do?
     Are you going to be strong this time and resist or are you going to crumble?
     According to psychological research, your willpower is like a muscle.  It's finite resource that depletes with use.  As a result, by the end of your strenuous days, your willpower muscles are exhausted and you are left to your naked and defenseless self---with zero control to stop the night-time munchies and time wasters.
     At least, that's what you have been taught.
     Clearly, the research on willpower explains human behaviour but only on the surface ... the effect.  The very fact that willpower is required from two more fundamental sources --- the causes:
1.  You don't know what you want, and are thus internally conflicted.
2.  You have not committed to something and created conditions that facilitate your commitment.

     If your life requires willpower, you have not fully determined what you want because once you make a decision, the internal debate is over.
     After you decide what it is you want, the decision is made.  Thus, all future decisions regarding that matter have also been made.  No questions.
     So, are you serious about this or are you just talking?  Are you still on the fence, or have you decided?  Until you decide, you will be required to use willpower, and you will continue making minimal progress.  I strongly suggest you focus on commitment in order to achieve your goal. 

What is commitment?
How do you know if you are truly committed to something?

When it comes to achieving goals, commitment involves:
- Investing upfront
- Making it public
- Setting a timeline
- Installing several forms of feedback/accountability
- Removing or altering everything in your environment that opposes your commitment

     If you are truly committed to something, in your mind, it is as though you are already succeeded.  All doubt and disbelief are gone!
     If you are committed to a marathon, you are going to put everything in place to make sure it happens. You are not going to leave it up to chance.
     Your are going to start by signing up for a race (your investment).  You are going to make it public (phase one of accountability).  Tracking your progress (feedback) and account your progress to your accountability partner.  Lastly removing things in your life that keeps you from running is essential.
     Commitment means you build external defense systems around your goals.  Your internal resolve, naked to an undefended and opposing environment is not commitment.

     No how much internal resolve you have, you will fail to change your life if you don't change your environment.
     This is where the willpower approach fails.  The willpower approach does not focus on changing the environment.  It instead increases personal efforts to overcome the current environment.  The result is your succumbing to your environment despite greatest efforts to resist.
     The environment is more power than your internal resolve.  As a human-being, you always take on the form of the environments you continually place yourself.
     Consequently, the best use of your choices is consciously designing environments that facilitate your commitments.  Actually, if you are really committed to something, this is exactly what you will do.
     If you are trying to stop drinking alcohol, you must stop being:
1)  around people that drink alcohol, and
2)  at places that serve alcohol.
     You need to truly decide you are done, to commit, and then to create an environment to make the success of your commitment inevitable.
     If you want to become a professional rock-climber, you need to surround yourself with professional rock-climbers and orient your while lifestyle to that goal.
     This is how evolution works.  We adapt to our environments therefore conscious evolution involves purposefully choosing or creating environments that mold us into the person we want to become.
     Everything in life is a natural and organic process.  We adapt and evolve based on environments we select.  You are who you are because of your environment.  Want a change?  Then change your environment.  Stop the willpower illusion.

If you choose to use willpower:
- your actions will reflect the fact that you have not authentically made up your mind with sincerity        and absolute. You will remain uncommitted.
- your desire (your "why") for your goals are not adequate
- your environment opposes your goals therefore you have not created an environment that make your   goals attainable and will inevitable fail to achieve.

Instead of focusing on your behaviour, focus on your environment.  Your environment......including the people you surround yourself the clearest indicator of who you are and who you are becoming. ( Remember - "you are the friends you keep").

*a shared view with Benjamin Hardy
Melanie Elliott-Nightingale


Sunday, April 30, 2017

Handling Life's Difficulties with Grace

"Learn to face the ups and downs of life with calm acceptance" - quote by
Toni Bernhard - 2017


Equanimity is greeting whatever is present in our experience with an everness of temper, so our minds stay balanced and steady in the face of life's ups and downs.

To this statement, Toni Bernhard adds the words; balanced and steady, calm and tranquil, in the face of life's ups and downs.

How does this aspiration play out in every day life?  If we are to "greet whatever is present in our experience" with calmness and tranquility, we will greatly reduce the harshness of unpleasant experiences in difficult times.

Applying this concept is one I consider essential when dealing with a disability(s) - an example I sue because it applies to so much of my personal life.

I wish to share the practice of equiminity I've been using recently and doing so after reading the works of Toni Bernhard.  It's simple,, join me.  I intentionally start a sentence by saying to myself  "It's okay if...".  Obviously, not everything is going to feel okay (certainly not in the loss of a loved one) and so practice to use only when it is wise to do so --- that is, when you think it might help you accept and feel okay about what is happening in your life.

Starting a sentence with "it's okay if..." helps me stay steady and calm when everyday challenges start to throw me off balance.  For example, on a day when feeling particularly unwell, fatigued and pain levels are high, I say to myself, "It's okay if I feel awful today".  Sometimes that's how chronic illness feels".

You can be as creative with this practice as you are comfortable with: "It's okay if  I can't do
all the things I used to do"; "It's okay if my friend doesn't understand what it is like to live with unmovable barriers such as chronic pain.  Some people have to suffer from something themselves before they can empathize with what it is like".

There is no reason to limit yourself to health-related issues:  "It's okay if my new job didn't turn out to be all I had hoped for, Nothing is perfect";  "It's okay if my kids have problems.  Everyone does."

The more I use this practice, the braver I become with my "it's okay if..." formulations.  I began trying this out by applying:  "It's okay if I am disabled and will be for the rest of my life."  Whoa!  the rest of my life?  Can that ever be okay?  It turns out, for me, I can.

It's true that sometimes when I say this phrase, resistance arises and I get thrown off-balance and feel scared.  However, if I am honest with myself, I will be disabled for the rest of my life.  This being the case, I know from experience that I will feel better emotionally and happier the more I can accept that possibility with grace.  That's equanimity in action.  When feeling equanimous, a sense of well-being arises and I am then at peace.

I hope you are inspired to turn to this practice as well and wish you peace, calm and balanced.


Thursday, March 30, 2017

Page 2 of 3: Images from "The Graduate": 1965 Bridgewater High School Year Book photos

Pg. 3 of 3: Images from "The Graduate": 1965 Bridgewater High School year book photos.

I have left this photo to the last as there is, for the first time, a photo with the youngest of the Elliott's, namely Debra who stands in the back row to the far right......she was in middle school when this photo was taken. Melodie is the forth gymnast in the middle row - from the left.

Page 1 of 3: Images from "The Graduate": 1965 Graduating Class of Bridgewater High School, Bridgewater, Nova Scotia: page 1