(please excuse grammar and spelling errors as the author is visually challenged)
The significance of this art form is the authors intent to create a sense of harmony and energy with the values of color.
Recently I visited a dear friend whose existence in life and community as we know it will end.....death is near.
All family and friends feel absolutely helpless in their wishes to provide comfort and strength of mind and body. Efforts to assist her will hopefully enhance the energy she will need in her new journey.
In a blind-sighted effort to assist, I thought a few spiritual-guided poems might provide some solace. I had hopes that an exercise of this nature would enable her to gain strength and inner peace -- elements that are thought to enhance one's spiritual travels.
My determination to find a source of some comfort led me to the Internet to search for appropriate words of peace and calm. I came upon a perfusion of quotes for those in their last days of life as we know it.
Early in my search for quotes my eyes fell upon an interesting one that was not appropriate for my friend but a few lines compelled me to read with intense concentration. The quote read:
"Human beings are made of body, mind and spirit.
Of these, spirit is primary for it connects us to the source of everything......in our external world of consciousness
and that
each of us is here to discover our true self-----that essentially we are spirited beings who have taken manifestations in physical form....that we are not human beings that have occasional spirited experiences and that we are spiritual beings that have occasional human experiences.
(author - unknown)
I could have jumped for joy after reading the wisdom within the above quote.
As I carried on in my search the next day, my computer had a hiccup and I found myself unable to re-connect with the Internet service. Trouble-shooting efforts failed however I did become aware of an unusual situation when checking network connections. In the past, "carpe diem" was assigned as my network username----a self-assigned code phrase. In it's place were the words "Melodie" and beside it "connected".
That which I was seeing was without doubt that Melodie (my late twin and spiritual buddy) was providing me knowledge that her spiritual energy was present.
I was at a loss as to how I could encourage our spiritual selves to come together at that very moment. I took the chance of sliding the cursor to a connection with the server of my Internet function. As the cursor slid across the desktop, a photo of Melodie appeared.
It was Melodie's message to me that I was appropriately managing my goal to enhance our "connection".
I did manage to calm down long enough to call my Internet server and a technician walked me through the steps that would provide solutions to what I translated as a technical error. Undoubtedly Melodie had her hand in sending this technician of incredible professional service. His advise, encouragement and support were so kindly and sensitively provided. He was successful in making the adjustments that were needed to return my computer to a functional status.
Before shutting down the exercise of restoration, the technician said there was one last step and that was for me to assign a new network username. Without a moments hesitation, I asked if "Melodie" could remain. I am certain that Melodie had answered that question as I began to acknowledge what had just occurred.
I began to become anxious that, in the moment, I could do the wrong thing (click on a wrong key) and loose Melodie's energy presence. I moved forward by allowing that which came to mind (without pre-rehearsal) as she was providing me directions so that we could enhance our bond (a bond few have ever experienced) and enjoy the moment.
With Melodie's spiritual-energy guidance, I shut down my computer and went to the one place in my home that I have reserved and protected as our meeting place. I hurried to that location, namely my bed, and at the end of it is a large picture of Melodie. From that point we share thought, humor and words of peace and love. Oh how we did laugh -- as Mother would say, "she keeps you in stitches". We discussed my need to return as a sister to two of my siblings and forgive them, her comments on my latest artwork were so welcomed, we discussed my need for increased appreciation with respect to my relationship with a male friend, and more.
For those readers who believe in spiritual energy, I trust you will enjoy this occasion....celebrate with me.
With Melodie's spiritual-energy guidance, I shut down my computer and went to the one place in my home that I have reserved and protected as our meeting place. I hurried to that location, namely my bed, and at the end of it is a large picture of Melodie. From that point we share thought, humor and words of peace and love. Oh how we did laugh -- as Mother would say, "she keeps you in stitches". We discussed my need to return as a sister to two of my siblings and forgive them, her comments on my latest artwork were so welcomed, we discussed my need for increased appreciation with respect to my relationship with a male friend, and more.
For those readers who believe in spiritual energy, I trust you will enjoy this occasion....celebrate with me.