Thursday, November 28, 2013

A Milliner ?

A Milliner ?:
Melanie Elliott / Nightingale

Kate Middleton has put the wearing of hats back in the fashion world.  I have always been interested in millinery work and suspect this the time to take a leap and begin making hats for this new trend..

The hat in this picture is hat number #1 (Fedora style).  I had purchased a couple of women's jackets with matching skirts from a new-to-you store(s) and have taken the skirt apart for the purpose of using it for a hat. 

1. Fedora style hat with jacket

              Pillbox hat
     In my research online, I not only found tremendous ideas for hats as instruction to make them is plentiful.

     I am waiting to get some cotton piping and so eager to make pillbox style hats.  The supplies for hats are somewhat scarce in the stores.  I suspect once Christmas is over, there will be much more available.  There is a wide range of items online however 90% are American which translates to high shipping fees.


Pillbox had with matching jacket

Keep posted
   "Lady Nightingale"  

Disclosure of Genetic-related Disease

Disclosure of Genetic-related Disease
Melanie Elliott / Nightingale

It is my belief that we must actively participate in our own personal health and that of all family members....and to that end, it is our responsibility to be accountable and to do so in the spirit of the wellness of our vulnerable children, siblings, parents and immediate family members.

This accountability becomes a conundrum as the presence of a hereditary disease has the power to lead young couples to ask if they are prepared to have children who may well be challenged.

It is the author's experience, news regarding existing hereditary diseases(s),  was met by family members in a manner of disbelief and others feeling shameful.  Whereas, some had a sense of pride in recognizing that forefathers experienced these diseases and despite limitations were actively engaged in:
-  a superior parenting role, 
- demonstrated productive agriculture practices, and
- were embraced by the community. 

With the support of the author's brother, the author uncovered the presence of "seven" inherited diseases within the family.

It is also the author's belief that when a child is "given up" for adoption, that all known inherited disease from the birth parents be passed on to the adopting parents.  This matter arose when a family member privately adopted their child to a loving couple.  

The new parents were not made aware that their new baby was likely born (75%) chance with  an inherited  neuropsychological disease  This condition would greatly influence the child's early school years, however -  if known, appropriate alternative instruction would enable the child to excel.  If the new parents were not informed, the child would struggle with unacceptable behaviours and the learning process would greatly become very problematic. 

The author is also of the opinion and experience that a "family tree' is not complete without the notation of family members with specific hereditary disease.


Monday, November 25, 2013

What is my Art Experience?

Image:  Melanie painted this image on the day of her last birthday and in honor of her twin who, in the past, enjoyed the energy in this painting............ME

  The image is that of an artist with a whimsey about he and his surroundings......Melodie (twin) immediately saw these elements in the birthday card and imagined Melanie in the setting. (M (the event being their 50th birthday).What is my Art Experience?
This question appeared in a Chataline magazine and caught my attention as I had never given any thought to a precious gift of art making.

Additional paintings can be seen on website: