Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Not a Coincidence - art goes viral

Image:  Watercolor:  "Rhubarb is Up" - Melanie Elliott - artist

I am a firm believer that coincidences don't happen.  This interpretation to unexplained sync. events leads me to reflect upon a "happening" in which my art experience went "viral".....all because I had inadvertently pushed a button to "post" on my Facebook site.  Under the category of "photos" I had every intention to utilize this Facebook benefit as a space to store my artwork.  Never in a million years did I think that the word "post", in this exercise, would  engage the sharing of my work with many, many individuals.
     Well the cat is now out of the bag and my artwork is global.  The feedback I have received has been mind boggling and have touched the inner core of my heart.  I am elated !!!
      Messages upon messages from dear friends and absolute strangers have been received.  Several of the feedback messages have spoken to the fact that my artwork is very much like Melodie's (late twin).  Receiving messages of this nature have been well-received and indeed heartwarming in the truest of senses.
      With all this positive and energy filled messages, I now have every reason to believe that my work has now reached a level in which I can return to selling it on E-bay.  I gathered up several paintings and have listed them for sale.  Since Melodie's passing, I have not been selling on e-bay for fear that I would not be able to accurately post them......such a waste of energy as the format of E-bay has improved in leaps and much so,  that I am now very motivated to once again become a regular contributor of art to sell.
     To all of those who have been so generous with incredible feedback of my artwork, please know that you have contributed to my moving ahead within the scope of my gift to paint.
      I recall Mum telling me that her Mother - my precious Grandmother did not actively exercise her artistic gift until she was 70 years of would seem I am before her time only by a matter of 4 years. 
       Thank you Gram for being a grand role model.

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