Sunday, April 6, 2014

An Apple a Day

As I take a moment out while an apple crisp finishes baking in the oven.....I turn to a the hand-written recipe which I acquired at the time of my Mother's passing - a recipe that was passed on to her.  On a second look, I was reminded how much the role of the "apple" played in our growing years as children.

The intensity of this picture  and a heightened sense of smell takes me back to what has become a dilapidated garage of silver-like shingles at the back of the old family property.  It was a building where Granddad parked his car and on its inside, far wall was an incredible collection of many car licence plates.

 Upon his return to home after a long day at work,  at the LaHave Creamery,  he would gather a few apples stored in a bin that sat in one dark corner.  In this bin was a winter and spring supply of eating apples.   There was always enough for all.

Each time I cook an apple crisp I am taken back in mind to moments shared with Grandparents in their routine of daily apply consumption, albeit in the form of apply crisp, a pie, apple sauce and a long list of delicious eatables.

My treat to you is the original recipe of the Faulkenham's best apple crisp.  I may be biased but have no hesitation to tell you it is the best you will ever experience.
     I attribute the excellence of this recipe to the fact that the topping includes flour rather than oats.  A part of my fondness on this subject are wonderful retro experiences as a child .

     Grandmother's  Apple Crisp (shared by "Nightingale")

     I neglected to share a family mantra with you which ironically addresses the subject of apples......I am sure you are familiar with "An Apple a Day Keeps the Doctor Away".  Mother lived by this rule -- one, I expect, was her life practice and modelled by her parents.  
     Perhaps there is something in this phrase as she lived to the age of 88 years of age -- the longest of any family member.  I would be neglectful to say that daily exercise was included in her health profile.

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