Friday, August 31, 2012

In Memory of "Christian" - the lion

Yes what you are seeing, in this photo, is a lion by the name of Christian. She and her story has won the hearts of those all over the world. Her story begins with two friends Ace Bourke and John Rendall of Australia who, in the 60's, left their native country to explore the nuiances of Britian. While in London they made a visit to Harrods - a department store that had been so often referred to by anyone who had visited that area. While at Harrods, they happend to see a lion for sale and could not resist purchasing her. She ws 35 pounds when making the transaction and a year later she was 135 pounds and full of energy and with an obvious instinctual need to run, climb and much more.
Ace and John had found an inidviudal who was a grounds keeper of a church and willing to allow Christian to play and run about the courtyard. From that space / playground, fit for a lion, came the name of "Christian"..
Ace and John, in their realization that Christian was who she was and felt that she should be in an environment suited for her species. Ace and John connected with an individual in Kenya who was willing to have her present in their wildlife reserve. One can only try to imagine the separation anxiety that Ace, John and Christian experienced in the days and weeks ahead.
After a two-year period, Ace and John returned to the wildlife park and after days of searching they were re-united. Christian's excitement to once again be in the presence of Ace and John has been very well recorded and touches the hearts of all that view this.
My favourite viewing of this story is recorded on YouTube - if you wish to view this clipping, connect with YouTube and type in Christian the Lion - the View". Note the music that accomany's this story -- it is the voice of Whitney Houston and teh words bring out the best of the story and players.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

In the Essence of Time

Aculculia is the topic of this is a personal testimony experience and is best described as difficulty with conceptualizing time and judging the passing of time.        
It is an acquired impairment and caused by trauma to the brain or others experience it as an outcome from a stroke (a brain injury as described by some folk). 

The name comes from the Greek's "a" meaning "not" or "without":  "Calculare, when translated means "count".

Individuals with this impairment have difficulty performing simple mathematical tasks such as adding, subtracting etc.

From an early age we are taught to "cover" our memory lapses by pretending to know in order to remain social acceptable.

Abstract concepts (thus abstract thought) presents individuals who experience this with little or no ability to manage mathematics in any manner.  Mismanagement of finances and an inability to add and subtract is often one of the first signs of dementia....a sad correlation.

Persons with abstract thinking issue will often have difficulty when making purchases.  To cover up , they will select a bill or two, present it to the cashier and ask if what they have in their hand is enough.   A lot of trust is required to practice this compensation strategy.

a person with acalculia has an ability to use time in a meaningful way early in the post-traumatic phase of an insult to the brain.  this includes the ability to know the meaning of what time it is, what day of the week, month, season or year.  The ability to tell time is also compounded by being unable to interpret other external cues in their immediate environment.

As an individual who experiences Acalculia, I struggle to remain a social individual in my community.  I live independently and to do so, must create and maintain coping strategies to this limitation.
When I have a need to attend a social function, I experience great anxiety as I cannot judge when it is time:
to begin a time-based routine,
attend to cosmetic matters,
attend to a hair style.
get dressed,  and
book a taxi.  
The timeline issues present a long list of limitations and frustrations.  Usually, by the time I am organized, I am too exhausted to attend the event.  Relationships fracture.

In our social world, friends tolerate an individuals seemingly disrespect for the time of others and being constantly late for an engagement, meeting etc.

Any solutions or suggestions to the above dilemma, would be greatly appreciated.

(please excuse spelling and grammar erros)

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Embrace the Challenges of Change

(please excuse spelling and grammar errors - author is visually challenged)

          Each morning the telephone rings moments past the hour of
 7:00 am.  I scramble to  find my hearing aid which enables me to
communicate with a community volunteer who graciously rings me to ensure I have taken my morning medications.  A brain injury in approx.
1983 left me with a memory deficit, and other limitations, thus the purpose of the daily telephone reminder..

          At that point I am awake and experience the peak of the day's
energy level therefore embracing the morning's quiet moment and make good use of my unstructured time to 10:00 am. when a care-provider of the day arrives.                                                                                
          My laptop, writing materials, journals, planners, motivational speaking files and painting brushes are all within my arms reach from my bed ... these activities give me a sense of purpose.                                                          
           Once up and dressed, a care-provider assists me with any incoming
e-mails, and reads any fax's and/or letters.  It is important for me to attend to 
these in a short timeline.  I become overwhelmed and anxious when  the paperwork piles up and experience a sense a concern that I might have missed a forgotten an important detail.  An injury to my brain had an immense effect on my literary and communication skills....I am able to write well beyond that which was forecast however difficulty with the comprehension of the written word is a great barrier.  So with paperwork attended to, I enjoy a short chat and a cup of tea with the care-provider who then focuses on housekeeping duties while I work on a project that is meaningful or required of myself.
In the not too distant past, I required twenty-four hours of daily care and have
since achieved  a level of support that extends into the realm of "supported independent living"  for a total of approximately 45 hours of care within the week in my home environment.
Upon reflecting back to my working days as a Health Information Administrator and Health Information Analyist, my passion for gardening was my morning wake-up call and a lure to the outdoor gardens.  To this day I can smell the sweetness that was in the air and the earthly scent of the damp earth that I so enjoyed during that period in my life.

Inevitably I would push time and have a need to race to the shower, get
dressed, grab an energy bar all before heading off to work.  Just as
I would reach the main highway, I would catch a glimpse of the landscape
of  Howe Sound and the incredible backdrop of a mountain range behind it was always a spectacular sight and also a reminder that another weekend was coming up when I would drive up the shore of the Sound on the way to spend a weekend skiing in the Whistler area.
     A few miles further in my journey to work, I had reason to drive by a huge cliff - a landmark to an area in which eagles were plentiful.  If I failed
to spot one on my way by, and being the obsessive individual I am, I would
leave the highway at the next exit and returned to the cliff ear once again in a attempt to gain a glimpse  of a magnificent raptor.  The sight of an eagle
soaring above provided a sense of strength, well-being and grace.  Indeed
Indeed, they did "lift me up".  It was an incredible spiritual beginning of
each work day. 
     I arrived at work shortly after being in touch with Mother Earth as I worked in my garden as well as being humbled by the spectacular view of Howe Sound.  From these experiences and the sight of a soaring eagle provided me energy and strength.......indeed, a blissful life!

The photo to the right is that of Melanie and was taken four days before experiencing a brain injury.
Devastation: My bubble burst in 1983 when I experienced a decreased blood flow to my brain together with a vascular issue of the brainstem and damage to the balance center.  I fell into a comatose state and initially treated in the hospital in which I worked.  Now, many years later, I am left only to dream the dream of rescuing some of my life qualities, preferences and choices which defined me as a professional with unlimited capabilities, sensitivity, artistic gifts and the ability to love.  Fortunately my basic values remained compromised.
      Persons have been known to describe me as "a lady who knows who she is" however this remains my past history.  Cognitive and physical damages were
severe enough to alter some personal characteristics.  Damage of various functions of the central nervous system were not forgiving.

Deceit:  At the point of becoming more alert - post injury, one of my first concerns was that of the privacy of my past medical history as details were available in my medical record  which was stored in the office of the director of the "Medical Record Department".
 The purpose of the Director retaining staff health records within
 her office was to secure the privacy of sensitive information of
 administrative individuals and employees.  In essence, the director was
 entrusted as the guard and curator of the medical records
 of a designated few.  The viewing or scrutiny of medical record content by the director of the medical record department was the unthinkable.  In keeping with entrustment, charts/records under her guard were made available only to medical staff at nursing stations and within the department, to clinics and researchers.
     I realized there was a breech of this medical chart retention privacy policy when I was told by a peer that my personal medical record was located in the office of a Personal Manager within a day of my discharge from hospital.
Endangerment to all Health Services and Consumers:  Over time I shared
 the above experience and activities with physicians who were committed to my recovery.
  They were so very sorry for my disappointments and angered
 that their physician notes were used for purposes other than those intended and entrusted.  I fully expect physicians, after becoming aware of issues of this nature have altered their usual recording methods and the scope of notes appearing in their patient's records were inadequate....all for the well-being of the patient.

            Melanie with Art Therapy Instructor, Barbara Hirst

 Additionally,  patients may not be forthcoming with information in which they fear will not be considered as "private" and "confidential". These outcomes infer that the quality and quantity of date within a medical record is compromised in addition to the issue of risk to patients. who cannot provide crucial data that could be life-threatening.  This issue has become of great concern now that medical records have gone electronic.
Photo of Melodie (in white), a dear neighbhourhood friend, Lloyd Roberts and myself (in black).  Circa 1968. I have every confidence that  he loved us as we did he.     Dresses were fashioned by Mother, Fran Elliott.  Occasion:  Melodie's graduation from a Nursing Program.
Rights of privacy - Dismissed:  When leaving hospital after the brain injury,  I was told that the optimum level of recovery was unknown and that any advances would be a very long process and if any at all.  Neurorehabilitation was the first step to recovery.

 In the early days of attending a rehabilitation program at the hospital where I was an employee, I received notice that a Personnel Department Officer wished to see me to discuss my employment, expectations, timelines and personal health issues.  The latter was first on the agenda and before the meeting, I was reasonably certain that I would be dismissed from my position due to my being a danger to myself as I could experience a seizure when safety was in question  (the subject of my being a danger to others also entered the picture).
I made my way to the meeting and  once seated around a table of hospital officials (decision-makers)
I noticed a medical record at one end of  the table and attendees were instructed to look through my record and pass it on to the person beside them.
     The act of sharing this confidential document with staff personnel and private medical servers was an incredible breech of trust, basic ethics of a Health Information Administrator/Manager (HIA).    To make sure I was understanding the movement of my medical record, I asked the Personnel Officer how she came to be in position of this medical chart....she informed me that my Department Head of Medical Records had provided it.  Releasing this record to the Personnel representative was in very poor judgement of the HIA and a serious offense....serious enough for the dismissal of her standing in her professional community..                                                                      
Discrimination, Degradation:                                                                            
    When the chart made its rounds the Personnel Officer opened my chart and read the results of some blood work and the conclusion of two electroencephalogram - each being abnormal.  I experienced a sense of violation as she continued to read from the medical record.  She informed me that these tests had to be within normal range before I would be permitted back to the work site.  Before returning,  written confirmation from my physician on the status of these tests was required.  I had to keep in mind that it was unlikely that the Personnel Officer was aware of the confidentiality breach, conflict of interest and making decisions past her boundaries that only a physician could interpret.  She was indeed "out of her box".
                                                                                                                    Medical Records
                                                                                                                              My Nemesis
 After many hours of conversation with the hospital's out-patient Social Worker and a physician, it became clear that I had more to regain in terms of ability, however, access to a rehabilitation team was not my privilege at that time.  After many encounters and a visual image of my deficits, I had to look the issue straight in the face and accept that I was at the stage of a "New Beginning".  Each of these individuals, who had taken on the task of providing counsel, were without doubt putting much more effort, time and energy that would be offered to a patient with similar issues.  I remain humbled by their compassion. 

     Medical coaches suggested I return to my family as they would help me trough difficult times and would have the love and understanding which would be of a great comfort to me.  Before I returned to my accommodations, I had already made my mind up that indeed, a trip home (to Nova Scotia) was wise.  Just before my announcing my decision, both the Social Worker and Physician offered to speak with my Parents and provide them with an awareness of my abilities and offered them an open line if and when they feel they have reached the end of their rope.  Distance of these individuals was of no concern when offering their support.
     The realization of what I had lost was cumulative - every corner I turned seemingly presented, yet, another obstacle.
     I had expressed to friend that  I felt displaced and trying to provide comfort to myself by not accepting that I was less intelligent -- I was more comfortable with the words of a "decreased ability to process".  I sensed a need to continually provide information as to my intellect and it became an obsession that nearly consumed me.  
Melanie at home in Nova Scotia and her presence embraced by PARENTS OF  EXCEPTION

As suggested by the Social Worker, I began my new life in a location in which I did not feel a
sense to function at the level I once knew.  Integration into my new world by volunteering in community was a very wise decision and to this day contacts within this community activity provided me with life-long friends....that includes you, Roger !!

My participation within the Hearing Impaired population and that 
of the Canadian Paraplegic Association - Atlantic Div provided me something tangible in the recovery stages.

Melanie enjoying nature at it's best.  This day trip would be a typical gift by my lifelong friend Mary.

Now with friends and support circles in place, I have managed to put a gold star to the title of "Supported Independent Living....such provides me with my most cherished and protective life-principles.

Yes, if you look closely this is myself in the front seat of a glider!  Nephew, Stephen John  Forrester Elliott is a volunteer glider instructor and a wonderful, gentle, caring and compassionate mature young adult.  I can't think of many such as Stephen who offers his "old" Aunt a ride !!!  He as an amazing ability to encourage a calmness -- and wise beyond his years.

Samplying of dresses for children of Mothers in need of taking shelter in
a protective location.

The above project is a sampling of 100 dresses I have created from pillowcases and given to a Woman's shelter where Mother's would arrive with only the clothes they were wearing and often a little girl in hand who is confused and with great fear. I had an opportunity to be a a shelter and witnessed the anguish of so many little girls.  With a new dress, it was my purpose to help them in a time when they have little self-worth and the fact that someone made them a dress was a sign of hope for better days --- days in which they could go to the playground and wear their little sundress.. 

I am one of those individuals who can not sit in one location for any length of  time so in order to fill that "need to be busy last winter", I added the knitting of a Chowichan Sweater to my list of things to do last winter.  I had always wanted one however did not do so and before I knew it I was no longer in BC.  Time flew so fast when considering a trip to NS and only to find myself in my hometown and without the comforts of this sweater.  I patiently waited until I could find a kit of buffalo wool on eBay and sure enough one did appear and I got ut my knitting needles....a great project!!!.


Moving on:  Persons often ask me "How do you keep  your spirit?"  Answer:
Examples and Tips:  First and foremost:  Letting Go !!! is very much a key word and concept. 
-Recognizing the stress that a sense of "immediacy" to a quick "cure" presents,
- Ask for assistance when faced with making appointments and struggle with time issues and 
- Embrace Change !! (personally, change is my #1 demon),
- Remembering that you are a survivor not a victim,
-Establish a support circle of devoted, loving and dedicated individuals,
      Caution:  don't wear advocates, mentors and supporters out.  Always be mindful that they too
     need support in their own lives !!
- Recognize events that are energy draining and act accordingly,
- Listen and act on intuition,
- Focus on the moment,
- Gather strength from sensitive, private life events,
- Remain connected with friends,
 - Consider motivational speaking opportunities - an empowering experience for all,
- Sustain a belief in yourself,
- Seek out personal growth opportunities,
- Depression:  Keep an awareness of when this begins and be proactive before it seemingly gets the
    best of your spirits,
- Mindfully reflect on accomplishments - this promotes self-worth and an energized spirit,
- Find a relaxation technique -- personally, meditation works,
- Acknowledge the concept of abilities - not disabilities,
- Plan new, unusual, and appropriate events to be enjoyed in your future i.e. it was this concept that enabled me to ride in an equestrian program and fly in a glider !! 



Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Capturing Gardening Passions

Capturing Gardening Passions


(please excuse spelling and grammar errors as the author is visually impaired)
Horticulture therapy is an innovative treatment method using plants and plant-related activities to improve the physical, social, educational, psychological and physical adjustment of an individual, thus improving the mind, body and spirit.
     It has been used to improve mobility, balance, endurance, social participation and memory skills, concentration as well as muscle strengthening.
     By caring for plants , individuals work with a product firmly anchored in reality.  the people struggling in life get a hands on connection with nature and the circle of life.
     I trust the stories below will touch your heart and encourage you, as a gardener to continue your pursuit for peace and contentment.

Story Number 1:
A Harvest only in a Nova Scotian Style:
     August of last year marks my introduction to a gardening project of a very different, therapeutic and very practical fashion.  This story takes place on one of several balconies at the  facility in which my Mother was a patient, namely the Veteran's Memorial Hospital in the city of Halifax, Nova Scotia.  Despite Mother facing the end of life, as we know it, and with nearly no physical and cognitive function from the rage of Alzheimer's Disease, we (the Elliott Family) held a small celebratory birthday gathering on a reserved balcony at this nursing facility.  The balconies of that particular facility were rather extraordinary -- oh so pleasing to the mind and spirit....each dripping with the beauty, scents and lush greenery of a balcony garden that one would see in a high end decorating book. 

Each balcony had long window boxes along each rail and their bounty was incredible.  The colorful eye-catching plants framed by greenery was a sight to behold.  A passing gardener was asked how all this came about as it would be volunteers who managed these projects.  Her response was that a team of volunteers came together for the purpose of establishing beautiful balconies encircled by color of all hews, textures and presented a distraction for patients and encouragement to be out-of-doors and many of whom helped in the actual planting.

As I looked a little closer at each window box, I realized that there was everything ranging from bunch onions, beans of all types, greens, zucchini, cherry tomatoes, radish, eatable bright nasturtiums, cucumber, and much more all intertwined with uneatable flowers ranging from hanging petunias, morning glory, cherry tomatoes and much more...
A passing Gardener was asked if she would join us and did however stated she had only moments to spare. passing gardener if she would join us -- she did so however had only a few minutes to  spare.  She suspected we were interested in the garden and was very appreciated by our grateful words of fine work.  Her story pertaining to the balcony garden touched my heart and left me even more proud  to be  a Nova Scotian

We asked if the gardener would join us .... she did so but said she had only a moment or two.  She did share a story that truly touched my heart.
A Feast:  She described a feast they had  the week before Mother's birthday...everything at the feast table was from the plants they grew.  One of the Veterans called upon some of his fishing buddies and they provided the group fresh haddock.  This gift was the last touching detail to a wonderful event.....only such an event in the manner of Nova Scotians.....a population of good food, fun and everyone taking care of someone else. 

The cobbler ingredients for dessert was that of strawberry and late growing rhubarb.

A rhubarb punch was described as absolutely delicious 

Story number two 

A Family Spirit

My second story is a heart-warming, nature's awareness story that involves a knowledgeable and creative gardener who is also a teacher and friend.  My friend is always in a teaching mode and graciously shares her stories as a teacher.  Gardening was her summer time passion and worked hard to prepare a garden space in her front yard. 

This new development created a buzz in the community of neighbourhood children.  The neighbourhood was buzzing with students who were enjoying their summer holidays.

My friend also had some spare time and made the best of it in her garden.  On one occasion, while turning the soil to create a good bed for her plants,  she encountered several children carefully watching her activities in her front yard.  When turning over the soil to ensure the best opportunity for seeds to grow and produce a wide range of vegetables and fruit was all a mystery to the children.

My friend noticed these little ones would be engrossed with what she was doing and being the teacher she is, the children were invited to come to the garden edge and watch as small (oh, so small) seeds were carefully placed in the soil. She gave the children the assignment to come by her home to ensure her garden was not disrupted in some manner.  They loved their new role.

These children never missed a day and when something would poke itself above the soil, with great excitement, they were eager to find my friend so that the could show her planting was making its way above the soil.  The excitement and vigilance was contagious.

As each plant became well rooted and foliage showing, my friend pointed out to the children that in about 10 days they could help her pick some radish and chives.  Most of these daily visitors and inspectors were astounded when my friend explained that the green plants, making their way through the soil, would soon become eatable.

The children were fascinated and some were quite concerned that they eat "stuff" that comes from the ground.  My friend ensured she would have two buckets of water - one to clean what they had carefully removed from the soil and their hands in a second container.  This was done to encourage the children to actually eat what they picked.  The sense of disbelief took quite some time for a few of the children -- they were intimidated to test the outcomes.

Once all the children were comfortable with this concept, they could hardly wait to pick their favourite string beans and peas in a shell (pod).

I so hope the families of these children took their garden experience home and encouraged their families to do the same.  The exposure that these little ones experienced will never be forgotten and very likely have a small vegetable garden in their yard.

Bless you my Friend - do enjoy the fact that you have introduced these children and others to a hands on experience and with that a connection with nature and circle of life. 

Story Number 3

My Grandfather's Legacy

Columbine:  art image by author

This is one plant that has always been close to my heart.  It is one of many plants in my first garden at the age of 10 years young.

My Grandfather was a farmer for many of his early family years.  He had an incredible knowledge of all aspects of horticulture which I fully expect comes from personal experience as well as a few family farmer secrets..   

In the back yard of my Parent's home there was a beech tree - a beautiful tree for shade and in a location where it provided an absolute peace.  Grampie (as he was affectionaly named by Grandchildren) asked Mother if she would mind him digging up the soil under the beech tree and help me create a small flower garden.  Grampie suggest a few perenials as well as annuals.  Gardening quickly became my passion and the nightly watering was such a great way to end a day....a closing of peace.

During one hot summer weather I was attending a Guiding camp and worried each day about my newly planted pansies....Grampie, realizing my interest in the growth of the seeds I planted, came to the family home to water my flower bed in my absence.

In the early cold spring of the following year, I was most impatient with the weather and wanted to begin gardening once agian.  Ironically, during the early weeks of a cold spell, Grampie was asked to look after a hot house of a friend and on two occasions gathered me up to take me down to a magnificant and incredible sight.  I would stand in awe as we entered this sanctuary.  As Grampie tended each section of the plants I was permitted to walk about on my own and just before we left he would take me by the hand and answer questions that had come to me as I toured the entire greenhouse.

Oh how sweet the scent was as Grampie opened the door to the greehouse.  There was a generous supply of poinsetta in bloon - a regal display !!  for the fist time I had the opportunity to see a Mexican catus with an amazing flower.

 My trips to the greenhouse rekindled my interest in gardening.  Grampie had sent for several seed catalogues and it was this that enabled me to wait for the better weather.
Only weeks later, Grampie could find me turning the soil and placing some dried seaweed as a strategy to add nurtients to the soil.  He was impressed and proud that I would move forward and apply technques from a book in the library.

Gardening had become a passion that I fortunately was able to dabble in until I found a home and a yard to accommodate a garden of my dreams.  I was living in British Columbia at the time and very much looking forward to a visit by my Patents and Grandfather.  I could hardly wait for the opportunity to tour the property with Grampie and make some decisions pertaining to gardens and gaining knowledge as to what was growing as well as suggestions for new plants.
Like Mother, I truly enjoyed roses of all colors and shapes and after sharing that with Grampie,  he offered to show me how to graft a rose bush and produce something very personal.  {That project continues to provide me great memories}.  After working on the actual woody portion of the rose bush (a fascinating task) Grampie asked if I had any names in mind for the rose we would produce....after some thought I called it Britianna - a name of where my Dad's family roots were.

Many years later, I had a need to return to Nova Scotia and re-locate in my native province and truly did not want to leave Britianna behind in British Columbia.  I consulted Grampie and he described what he would do if he were in my shoes.  I followed his instructions by the letter and the moment I reached home, I planted it in a spot that Grampie had prepared to receive it...after seen it,  he felt it would  survive.  Fortunately it was near Mother's rose garden - a spectacular sight at that !!.

As the years past, Parents were beginning to experience the aging process and had less energy to manage gardens etc.  Mother fortunately kept her roses in good condition and after Dad passed from struggles with Cancer we came up with the idea that we would graft a rose in a tribute to Dad.  On this occasion, I did not have Grampie as a coach so was delighted that it began to show signs of new growth.  Once it was established,  Mother called upon her friends and with great grace she planted the grafted section of two of her bushes.  A Minister from the neighbourhood was present to say a prayer for was an event so fitting for both my late Grandfather and Father.  I now realize that we did not give that grafted rose a formal and registered name however there is comfort in knowing that there is a rosebush out there and very likely the pride of its keeper.

Such are three stories of how the experience of gardening, when embraced, becomes the circle of life.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Epilepsy, a Family Secret.


(please excuse spelling and grammar errors - author is visually impaired)
The Internet resources with regards to Epilepsy
is bottomless and the author suspects that in some way a new diagnosis of epilepsy would cause chaos in all aspects of one's life.  With a sense of panic they would likely try and digest information from various sources.  Individuals who are facing this for the first time describe the diagnosis as one that they regard as a sense of "displacement".

The author has purposely neglected the role of family with this issue and recognizes that the topic is worth a separate blog entry.
As an epileptic Melanie Elliott was most fortunate in the efforts of her  parents who encouraged her to participate in 90% of the activities of her twin.  For years Melanie was left without an understanding as to why she was restricted and her twin not.   Melanie could not find the missing peace to the puzzle. In hindsight, their (Parents) dilemma was that of wanting Melanie to be "like" everyone else and without a bias or label and a free and happy teen with a strong hope and determination toward goals she set for herself ... her life goals were set long before graduation day.

In the year prior to Melanie's leaving home for studies in Ontario, the answer to why" her parents were over-protective, after Melanie had a seizure, continued to be a mystery.  She knew she was different however could not in any manner explain it.  The light to this mystery came to be known on the day in which Melanie's twin, Melodie and herself were to receive a Canada Cord (Guiding).

Melanie experienced a rather severe seizure while at the breakfast table the morning of the reward receiption.  Having a seizure was an event that had occurred in the past however Melanie was perhaps too young to know what questions to ask.  She had looked forward to the event of receiving a Canada Cord for "years" and to be chosen as the spokesperson of those who were Canada Cord recipients was the icing on the cake.

The day after the reception, Melanie's Godfather came for dinner and asked if he could speak with Melanie in private.  He explained that her "seizures" were due to a condition called "epilepsy".  Her first thought was -- oh, I am in trouble.  Her Godfather provided Melanie with some literature regarding epilepsy....she felt a sense of validation as she read through the material..  The more he spoke, the more questions Melanie had and when reaching a point where confusion began to set in, her Godfather suggested that he return tomorrow and in the meantime asked that Melanie no longer carry any shame after a seizure occurs.  She continued to address the "silence issue" which again was a relief - prior to that opportunity it was a subject not to be spoken about within the family.  For as long as melanie could remember,  parents always avoided the subject when teachers came forth with questions after an unexplained fall etc..  The guilt Melanie felt was an offshoot from Parents who obviously had a need to keep this behind the front door.....and for no one to see or suspect.
Melanie had not hurt herself during the seizure of the award day. Fatigue was her only complaint.  She begged her Godfather to allow her to attend the reception that evening and accepted the  concession that she could attend the ceremony however as an observer only.  Such was a hard pill  to swallow.  Additonally, the speech that Melanie had worked on for sometime was spoken by another Canada Cord recipient.  Melanie later reported that it did not capture their excitement and pride when hearing and seeing it delivered by another -- there was little to no annimation.
After the Guiding event that night,  Melanie's parents decided it was time for her to know what the "spells" were all about.  In their description came a warning to never tell anyone that she had this diagnosis.  Even her Godfather suggested she go about life as if nothing happened.  He did tell her that it this could leave her in a state of being vulnerable however softened that with the awarenes of her inner strength.  He assured me that I would likely "grow out of this".  After a few days of contemplation, she began to restock her self worth, esteem and confidence.
One year later Melanie made application to three nursing schools and was turned down by all three...She did not know where to turn as this was a career she had dreamed about all her childhood years.  Godfather re-assured her that there were a lot more occupations for women in the acute care hospital setting than the role of a nurse. When he became aware of my disappointments he invited her for a chat over some ice cream and soda....they met to discuss Melanie's career choices.   My Godfather spoke of several medical-related positions in the acute care hospital setting and with a sense of enthusiasm and joy,  he explained that there is a long list of career options that would encompass her talent, passions and  abilities.  His willingness to share this information was combined with his a great dose of hope.  She did continue to have some anxiety with the disclosure of having epilepsy.  Upon reflection of the seizure issue, she cautiously asked how she would manage meeting the criteria of any teaching medical institution with the word epilepsy on an applicaiton.  With a little more reassurance she did return to her hope and spirited energy.  That very week Melanie  applied for enrollment at a university in Kingston Ontario.  She had signed up for a career in Medical Library Science...and chose not to disclose her health issue.

Once settled and attending classes, Melanie took some time out in her studies and joined a synchronized swim team.  On the application form she once again purposely did not check the box indicating a history of seizures as she suspected it would indicate an immediate closure of her application.  The inevitable did happen during a routine practice... a seizure occurred while in the water and the outcome was a near drowning.  That ended her enjoyment at the university pool....yes, she was banned from the use of the pool.  Once she was better to handle the frustration and a pity party,  she came to realize that this would not have occurred if she had  been truthful in an application to join the synchronized team and in future years, disclosure became a topic of inner tension.

     After graduation as a Medical Libarian and present in  the "real world", confidentiality quickly became a matter in need of protection.  Her career interests placed her in acute-care, teaching hospital settings.  After some comfort in researching, the depth and confidentality details in which hospital employees and employers are expected to abide by was reassuring  However, once again in her intimidation and passion to work at a particular location, the topic of confidentiality and lack of her disclosing her state of epilepsy, she was faced with a huge dilemma.  During another bout of convulsions and an admission to the hospital in which I worked....her medical history did not reflect she was prone to seizures.  The lack of this information was certainly to her determent and to this day  the outcome of the seizures was damage to cognitive abilities...permanent brain damage.

 After being discharged and having rested at her residence for approximately three weeks, ,  she  was called into the office of the facilitie's Human Resources Department (at her workplace) and upon her arrival she was stunned to see the Medical Director of the Hospital, her Supervisor,  a Human Resources staff member, Union Representative and a Nursing Consultant.....all sitting around a Board Room table.  As she took her seat she noticed a medical record on top of the filing cabinet and looked away only to realize that the record was that of herself.  This image discredited what she believed to be entwined by the hospital's mandate.

Melanie's medical record was  passed around the table - some stopping to read the content and others did not as much as open the cover.....the latter was in respect to privacy, professionalism, ethics and awareness of basic dignity.

When that meeting ended she immediately recognized that  her personal life path was destroyed and she was faced with the need for a new beginning.   Her body was still getting use to a change of medication and with this taking place she continued to feel unwell.....such prevented her from following up on the matter with the Human Rights Commission.

The author's point in this story is for the purpose of sending a message to youth to put all their cards on the table and disclose their seizure tendency resulting from epilepsy or other brain pathology.  Disclosue when approaching the topic of driving is always a moment of total inner chaos.  To point out that the rules pertaining to the operation of a vehicle by an individual with seizures is put in place for a well defined reason.  Qualified individuals from several spectrums have drawn up rules of exception and compassionately develop driving policies with great thought behind them.  To ignore these rules in the presence of a seizure disorder is somewhat parallel to an individual who is intoxicated -- as in their minds - a car accident  happens only to others.

There is some good news with respect to driving - the length of time of  "no-seizure activity" is much more sensitive for the individual with  a history of seizures.  Additionally, and in the presence of a normal electroencephalogram (EEG) -- a procedure in which electrodes are place on the scalp and the brain's activity is reflected on a graph. -- there is once again a window to improvement and is also used as a measuring tool for those patients wanting permission to operate a vehicle.
The rapid development of new medications for the purpose of reducing seizures is a positive point for an individual with epilepsy as well.

The author also stress the need for the person labelled with epilepsy or other seizurte disorder to carry personal identification at all times.

Be Safe - My Friends

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

A Railcar with a Different Purpose


BACKGROUND: This photo is of my loving, creative, capable Father, Norman Arthur Elliott (born in British Columbia and has since passed)

Father was from a dysfunctional family and found solace in his sailing endeavours on board his sailboat, *Melodie.  This photo was taken the month before he joined the War II effort and served his country in Great Britain.

He returned to Canada with his bride, Frances Evelyn (Bent) Faulkenham of the Annapolis Valley and  within days of their return to their homeland, they began to build the "family home" in Bridgewater, Nova Scotia.

NORMAN  ARTHUR  ELLIOTT'S  INGENUITY (from the mind of a true genius)
For those who recall the mid 1950's, the subjects of the "Cold War" and the "Bay of Pigs" seemed to be the substance of all news reports.  During the week it was never mentioned in our home however I sensed it presented as a dark cloud always looming.

My Dad worked as a manufacturer's agent and was away from the home setting throughout the work-week days.  When Dad was at home,  it was obvious the looming cloud had caught his eye and had gave a lot of thought to these two matters.

"NORM HAD A PLAN" - words of his dear friend, Alex.
     Father was looking into submerging an empty rail car in the back of the property of the family home.  It would serve to provide safety and shelter (a "fallout" shelter) for his family should warfare activities - nuclear or other.  His plans were to remove wheels and the undercarriage of a rail car.  His first task was to ensure he had enough space for such a,  never to been seen, endeavour. 

     I so recall his pages of blueprint-style sketches of the adaptions within the rail car.  After inspecting a chosen rail car  with an individual well informed on the proprieties of the shelter's potential mainframe,  the rail car choice would become Dad's focus.

     Dad's third step was to consult with a person (who we would now label as an environmental engineer) to determine the effects on the property and community.  The need for additional room became quite evident and Father, with suggestions from those who had become mentors --- the family home property became another 10 yards wide.  This purchase caused many neighbourhood families to scratch their heads as to what Norm / Dad was up to.  Dad had wanted to keep his plans as private as he could -- that was until the rail car would be placed in this gigantic much for our croquet games and/or the dream of a swimming pool.

     Father had experienced his first heart attack just one-year prior to this project which was yet another reason to keep the project under the carpet.  Curious visitors would be wearing .and distracting.

     Dad did share his project with his very dear friend Alex and together they spent hours, many hours discussing the options of necessities.

     He set his priorities and the first (in random order) were light, water, sewage,  heat,  food, body requirements of minerals, trace minerals, communication, first aid issues and much more.

He researched what was available in the form of dehydrated foods and ended up with plans to dehydrate and store his own.  I recall the blueprints of the dehydrator - very small - not much bigger than two microwaves stacked on top of one another.  He was insistent that the wood shavings be cherry, maple or apple wood.  He started by drying salmon, beef,  fruit, etc.

I don't recall what his plans for light were however his heating plans were a bit before his time (or so I thought).  He had planned to dig a small deep (very deep) whole in the ground and use heat from the earth's core.
On a personal level, I was in character  as being the anxiety queen - driven by the reason for Dad's  activity in providing a shelter.  I would go to bed every night and before I would allow myself sleep I would - in my head - list my worries and try and get them into perspective.  The rail car was on the hot top for about 1  1/2 years. 
Moving on:  When I heard that Kennedy had been assassinated I was sure that that event would give us reason to take to the underground rail car.

In the Moment:  Unfortunately the stacks of blue-prints that Dad had made did not surface when the family home was sold.  Blueprnts and large parchment documents were kept in a large flat stack of drawers under a stairwell and I suspect someone just thought they were too old -- deteriorating pages of newsprint and parchment.

Yes, My Dad was an amazing man !! a man of many mysteries, gifts and talents.

....... Nightingale  (please excuse spelling and grammar errors - author is visually impaired)
* It is of no coincidence that one of Dad's twin daughters was named Melodie....Dad's sailboat, Melodie,  was the love of his early adult years and my twin Melodie was also a love of Dad's deepest heart as he moved into the role of Fatherhood.  There is no question that they had a bond of a humble difference.

Working out of the Box: for Health Info. Managers

 Role Alternatives of Health Information Managers
(please excuse spelling and grammar errors - author is visually impaired)

True leaders are those who desire to grow and move forward.  In addition, we have learned that the only way to grow and move forward.  In addition, we embrace the idea.


Role Possibilities of a Health Information Manager presents a lengthy list requiring active hands-on experience and observations. A Health Information Manager (HIM), with a particular interest in teaching methods of quality control or other subjects, can reach out to the educational programs that promotes skills of a chosen parameter.  The scope and range of topics are significant.  The HIM can provide learning experiences in the course of a private business (i.e. consultant) or that of an individual employed in a cooperate setting, example, namely  Continued Education and oh so much more !!.
Health Information Managers can work in a Partnership with a commonality of a factual nature:
- Partnering with an Actuarist.  The presentation of essential information from a Health Information Manager is a required tool for estimating life experiences, longevity and predictions,

- an Epidemiologist Partnership:  example:  When a team steps forward to identify the causative factors of a group-experienced illness. Such is not uncommon when groups experience gastrointestinal symptoms and much more  In my personal experience, a disease indices became the source and key to a contaminant well established in a local water supply at a day-care facility.

- Veteran Affairs Canada have been known to seek the assistance of an HIM in keeping with their commitment to supported independent living.  Gathering valued information by a team of HIM's become key players to putting such a program in place. 

A Health Information Manager, working as a private consultant, has many hats and are worthy of inclusion of a fee schedule for services.  Service examples follow:

- an HIM in the role of a team player in a private medical clinic....a situation that would fit within the boundaries of the clinic's mandate.  Clinic policies and procedures would require frequent review, auditing and recommendations for appropriate change,

- a proposal writer to support the necessity of new and/or sophisticated equipment,

- a part time organizer and manager of wellness-retreat weekends - incl. yoga, dance, music therapy, art therapy, massage are a sampling of services and experiences included in a well-established agenda.  A HIM would have the insight to the boundaries of stresses and anxieties in the health care workplace.

- the proprietorship of a medical transcription service.  Health care facilities welcome the opportunity to referring this task to private service providers. This has been found to be cost efficient (caution to owners - putting confidentiality on the top of their needs, policies and mandate) is a must.  This topic would require an appropriate contract,

- the creation of a life plan is well within the boundaries of an HIM.  Should a Client wish to maintain a supported independent living....a lifestyle that is efficiently, achievable and valued can  come together with the professional guidance and navigation efforts of an HIM,

- the services of providing assistance to an individual/Client who wishes to create an Advanced Health Care Directive in combination with a Living Will is increasing in demand,

- providing the skills in data retrieval is in demand and its continuance will increase as the baby-boomer population ages in their Senior years,

- providing the numbers that are required to forecast our health needs for the future is a study well within the capabilities of an HIM,

- motivational speaking on a great number of topics calls attention to the insight of an HIM - topics ranging from the electronic medical record to Educational requirements often demands the input of a Health Information Manager

- supporting an individual who wishes to be an altruistic kidney donor.   A thorough  health and medical report is essential and the ability of a HIM to locate data through scanning previous health charts and utilizing disease indices is required,

- providing assistance to those who are establishing a "flag" system of populations of patients ie. deaf, those with an abnormal bleeding condition, a history of seizure activity etc. presents a challenge to an HIM consultant,

- participating on a team of medical professionals who are working together, in a 3rd world country situation.  Their purpose is often to gather information with respect to a particular disease and developing realistic healing techniques,

- participation as a medical / health record system administration in a Federal and or Provincial correction institution is often a need,

- managing reports and statistics of sport injuries, in a regional sense, as well as providing individual medical status of athletes is an employment opportunity.

In closing - I encourage devoted Health Information Managers to go beyond the doors of an acute care facility.

..... Nightingale
